Volunteer Hours
The Copper Country Junior Hockey Association (CCJHA) operates on a volunteer basis and relies on its members to keep the association operating smoothly. This allows CCJHA to keep participation in its programs as affordable as possible. Each player is assigned a minimum number of volunteer hours for the season. It is the responsibility of the members to fulfill their volunteer time commitment or financially reimburse the HHA for unfulfilled volunteer hours. We all want our players to enjoy their youth hockey experience and this means that, as parents, we all need to contribute and volunteer to make their season a success. You can view the current CCJHA Volunteer policy on our Rules/Policies page. The button below will take you directly to that page.
Volunteer opportunities will be listed under the Volunteer tab in your Crossbar account. To view and sign up for volunteer opportunities, you must be logged into your Crossbar account on our website.
Concession Stand
The Booster Club operates and maintains the concession stand at both The Dee and HoCo. The bulk of volunteer hours can be fulfilled by working shifts in the stands during CCJHA games, high school games, and other special events or tournaments.
Concession shifts are posted along with the weekly schedule and are available on a first come, first served basis.
For shifts with multiple roles, a person must be present in the stand for every role claimed, i.e., a CCJHA parent cannot put their name for both shifts and be the only one in the stand. He will only get credit for one person, not two.
The minimum age of concession stand workers is 14 years old. There are no exceptions to this rule. Persons under the age of 18 must have an adult perform the end of night deposit.
Duties of Concession Stand workers include:
- Opening if it's the first shift of the day, and closing if it's the last
- Making popcorn, coffee, hotdogs
- Selling snacks
- Entering sales into Square on the concession stand iPad
- Cleaning up the stand at the end of the night
- Counting money and making the deposit
How to sign up for a volunteer shift

- Click the "Log In" button on the top left hand side of any page on the CCJHA site. If you are already logged in, you will see the link for ACCOUNT.
- Once logged in, click the Volunteer button in the sidebar.
Volunteer opportunities are grouped into "sessions." For Concessions, each session is a type of game.
- CCJHA games
- Hancock Varsity Hockey
- Houghton Varsity Hockey
- Houghton JV Hockey
- Portage Lake Pioneers
- Other (Wolfpak, other events not listed above)
Click on the More Information button below the session to see available opportunities and sign up.

To sign up, click on the green plus sign where an open slot remains and choose your name. Hours are credited about 24 hours after the shift ends.

Starting on 12/19/2024, each concession stand will have a sign posted with a QR code. To sign in for your shift, scan the QR code with your phone or mobile device and fill out the sign-in form. If you are not able to use the form, there will still be a paper sheet in the stand. Fill out the paper sheet and email the Volunteer Coordinator.
To receive credit for your shift, you must sign in either online or on the paper sheet. If you don't sign in, you will not get credit unless you can prove you were there.
What if I can't work a shift I signed up for?
As with the DIBS system, you can remove yourself from a shift 48 hours before it begins. After that time, you are responsible for finding a replacement for that shift. This is not the responsibility of the Booster Club or Volunteer (DIBS) Coordinator. Shifts that are claimed and not worked will be charged at $50/hr.
Do coaches need to work hours?
Some volunteer positions receive credit towards their Dibs requirement. For the 2024-2025 season:
- Head Coach - 4 hours
- Assistant Coach (one per team) - 2 hours
- Team Manager - 2 hours
Donating Hours
Families can work hours and donate them to another family. These must be specified when signing in on the online form.
Unworked Hours
Any unworked hours at the end of the season will be billed at $50/hr. An invoice will be sent to your Crossbar account. All volunteer hour invoices must be paid in full before a player can register for the following season. This includes travel tryouts.
For questions about Crossbar and signing up for shifts, email the Volunteer Coordinator.
For general questions about volunteer time, email the Booster Club.