The CCJHA uses Gamesheet for scoring games. All scoring is done in the Gamesheet app on an iPad.
Coaches receive an invitation code for their team at the start of the season. If you are a coach and have never logged into Gamesheet, please do so ASAP as book checks are coming up for the 2024-2025 season, and you will need to print your scoresheets out of Gamesheet. If you need help, please email the Web Administrator.
Downloading Scoresheets
Gamesheet has a good tutorial on how to download and print your scoresheets prior to Book Check. Visit the link below:
The duty of the scorekeeper
The scorekeeper is the person responsible for making sure all elements of the game sheet are completed. This includes:
- Coaches verifying the roster (marking absent, injured players), and signing. All coaches marked present must sign. In some cases, this includes the Team Manager. If someone is missing, mark them as such.
- Entering the Officials - Before the game, enter the names of the officials. Using search will bring up every official who has worked thus far. If you cannot find an official, enter them as a new official and include their Referee ID number if they know what it is. Officials sign after the game is over and after they have verified that the scoresheet looks correct.
- Scoring the game - if you have not done this before, please have someone show you how to do it. Don't worry, it is intuitive and easier than using the old paper sheets.
- End of game duties - When the game is over, you must:
- Select the "END GAME" button in the top right corner of the screen. If you have any errors on your sheet (missing player numbers for penalties, goals, other things that Gamesheet catches), those will be listed at the top of the screen before you can end the game.
- Get the officials' signatures
- LOCK AND UPLOAD the game. If this doesn't happen, the game sits in Gamesheet and does not upload to the cloud.
Gamesheet has put together great tutorials on this; please refer to the links in the sidebar for scoring and for Team Managers/Coaches.