Annual Book Check

Attention, coaches!
Sunday, Jan. 5, 2025, is our Annual Credential Review Day, aka Book Check Day.
Date: Sunday, January 5, 2025
Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Location: Dee Stadium (Houghton) or Lakeview Arena (Marquette)
What is Book Check?
This is the time where we review the books of all teams who are eligible for the District and State Tournament. District 8 Directors are available to look over the team book and make sure everything is in order.
Our goal is to give you all the information you need to avoid frustration. This is a simple process but it does require the key components.
Books that are in order take about 10 minutes to review. Books that are not take much longer and potentially hours.
Books are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Across our district, we have 70 team books to review in four hours. If a book is incomplete and not ready, we will move to the next book.
The Process
- Bring book to either location during the times listed above. The person who brings the team book does not have to be a coach! It can be a parent or team manager. If you cannot get your book to either location at the listed times, you must make arrangements to get your team book to a District Director before January 5.
- A District Director will review your team book and make sure you have the following:
- Official team roster printed AFTER January 1, 2025
- Credential Verification Sheet printed AFTER January 1, 2025
- Official scoresheets for every game played
- Consent to Treat forms for every participant (only for 14UAA)
- If a book is missing an item, it will be returned to the team representative with details on what needs to be added/corrected before Regionals/Districts. Teams that show up to District or State Tournaments without their credential books checked or not corrected after being checked will not be able to participate.
Common Mistakes
Here are some most common mistakes that get everyone frustrated and push them to the back of the line:
- No game log. Teams must have an up-to-date MAHA game log presented at book check. This game log needs to be updated after every game. This should continue to be done even after the credentials are checked. There is a handy excel sheet on the State Playoff site.
- The official roster was printed prior to January 1. Coaches can go to their USA Hockey roster at any time in the season to print, but the copy you bring must be dated after January 1!
- Credential Verification Sheet out of date. This must also be printed after January 1st. This comes from your Association Registrar.
- Credential Verification Sheet not filled out for players participating in games. Typically, the coach/team manager does this.
- Missing scoresheets. You must have a paper copy of the official scoresheet for every game played. Games recorded in Gamesheet should be downloaded and printed. When printing from Gamesheet, you must make sure the PDF is adjusted to print for the size of paper you are using. If not, the right side portion of the sheet will not print.
- For 14UAA, no consent to treat forms or missing forms. This must be included for ALL participants — players, coaches, team managers, and locker room monitors. Coaches cannot be on the same sheet as a participant. Even if you fill one out for your child, you must also have one for yourself. No exceptions!